Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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March 29, 2025
It was an outside day..................... from Exuberant Color

It was in the high 70s yesterday so I decided to do some yard work.  First I raked leaves off the flowerbeds where the Brunnera and Lungwort are.  I only found one Lungwort plant in bloom but I'm sure several will follow soon.

The largest Columbine plant is growing fast.  I could see this one from the dining room window.  I got stung by a bee while picking up stacks of leaves in this flowerbed.

One of my Lenten Rose plants has flowers and more buds.  It is a burgundy color flower.  This is the plant that didn't ...

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March 28, 2025
Tilda 16 patch.................. from Exuberant Color

The photo looks the same as the last few days, but it is really a finished top that is pressed and measured.  It is 55.5" x 72".

A close up shows some of the variety of Tilda fabrics in this top.  They are from several different lines.

Since every other strip is turned upside down, the birds and mushrooms are facing both directions.

The same thing happened with the house print.  I could have avoided this by not using the one way prints but I chose to have the largest variety possible of the fabrics I had.

Here are ...

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March 24, 2025
March 16: Matthew 28:20, Fiber Fun, Literary Life, Finding Joy from Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer


Hello There,
I'm so glad you stopped in for a visit!  This week has been an active one with the grandkids on Spring Break.  We've baked, swam (in an indoor pool), made several library trips and cooked!  You'll see pics of my grandson's creation in the Finding Joy section.  
Next week only three grandkids will be on break, but I'm looking forward to more time with them.  They grow so fast, don't they?
Daddy is eating less, but perhaps that is due to his UTI.  Of course, now we are looking for pain.  He ...

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January 19, 2025
January 13: Psalm 34:18, Fun Fiber Projects, Literary Living and Finding Joy from Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer


Hello There,
It's been a while, hasn't it?  Life has been...challenging, but as my wise younger sister says, "We'll figure it out, and "We're going to be ok." In the last year and a half, priorities have shifted and, though I set goals, deadlines have been thrown out the window. 

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December 3, 2024
Springhouse Retreat Day Two from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Late—I'm going to be late this morning. No, not because I was sleeping. Oh no—chatting! I accomplished stuff yesterday and actually accomplished what I planned. However, I did my fair share of chatting, and well, isn't that what a quilt retreat is all about? So I'm good with that!!!

I am still thrilled with what I'm accomplishing, and that's all that counts. So what did I get done? Have a look. 

I got all the flannel I brought sewn into squares. There are 107 squares measuring 6 1/2", so that's a ...

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September 30, 2024
Scrap Play and Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

Hi and welcome. Today I'll share with you the scrappy mug rugs that I made for my son's niece. She loves playing with mug rugs, so what could be easier? They are so much fun to make. I also have more Floral Fusion blocks. It's looking very cool

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August 16, 2024
Friday check in: HLC 2024 list, a finish-and-a-half from With Strings Attached


The 2024 Hike Lake County Challenge list was released yesterday.    

Each year Lake County Forest Preserves selects a dozen trails for the challenge. Participants have until December to walk (or run, skip, hop....) seven of them.    

I took up HLC in 2020 as a pandemic exercise.  Each year I've overachieved by doing all of the designated trails.  Regular readers know I keep going all year.  

A couple of these are new.  Some are close to home, others are at the opposite corner of the county.   

It rained off and on yesterday but the sun is out today. Tune in ...

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April 15, 2024
Weekly update: wildflowers, inspiration, and progress from With Strings Attached


AAUW-Deerfield Area and AAUW-Waukegan Area branches hosted their annual Fellows Luncheon yesterday. We heard from three outstanding women who have benefited from AAUW grants and fellowships THIS is what we do with the money we raise -- help women change the world!

Sofia Abukar Faroli joined us by Zoom. She is a professor at Portland State University, researching African women in elected office. Thallyta Laryssa Cavoli is a PhD. candidate at the University of Illinois. She is from Brazil and her research area is poverty and inequitable access to resources. Hanin Elathram grew up in Benghazi, Libya. She received a BSME ...

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December 30, 2023
Table Scraps Challenge on Free Motion Mavericks from Quilting & Learning

Welcome to week 462 of Free Motion Mavericks - our last linking party for 2023. This week, if you don't have anything new to link up, why not link up a favourite post or quilt? It doesn't have to be free motion quilted, just a excuse to join in the fun

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December 5, 2023
Weekly update: holiday celebrations, small finishes, and OMG December + reading from With Strings Attached


The social whirl is underway!  

The GFWC-IL District 10 luncheon was on Wednesday.  We played Santa bingo.   I won $41 in the split-the-pot raffle.   

There was a Christmas tree trivia quiz.  The average artificial tree is used for 6 years (and is in the landfill forever).....Christmas trees are grown in all 50 states....Calvin Coolidge began the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in 1923.

Friday evening we enjoyed dinner with Rotary friends prior to the Carthage College Christmas Festival

Familiar carols and other old and new songs, with splendid choral and instrumental music.  

Saturday was the AAUW Waukegan Area Branch ...

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September 9, 2023
Summer 2023 Finishes from Zeedlebeezmom

 Nine months out of the year I am an intervention RTI teacher but in the summer months I am a full time quilter.  I sew as much as I can in between being a wife and a mother/grandmother.  I haven't shown my summertime finishes in a while and I wanted to share some of the things I have made.  Not everyone would like for me to share their t-shirt/memory quilts so I will just tell you how many I made since June 1st.

I've made 12 T-shirt quilts!  (If you'd like more info on getting ...

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July 31, 2023
Weekly update: two finishes + the stash report from With Strings Attached


This week's walks were at Spring Bluff (close to home) and Ethel's Woods. 


Purple coneflower, meadow sweet.

Sawtooth sunflower, white monarda.

Tansy, pinnate prairei coneflower.

There are signs at both preserves that explain the history of the property. 

We saw the movie Oppenheimer on Saturday afternoon.  We arrived in plenty of time, so much so that we had to sit through nearly a half hour of commercials and previews before the three-hour feature began.  It was thought-provoking. Once I got home I looked up the people, some of whom I'd heard of but others who were ...

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June 21, 2023
Midweek: solstice sunrise, wildflower closeups, and mug rugs from With Strings Attached

Mist on the meadow as I drove to the lakefront.

Solstice sunrise over Lake Michigan, 5:15 a.m. today.

Wildflower closeups on the trail (just west of the shoreline, but taken on Monday).

Japanese rose, yarrow, common ninebark.

Meadow buttercup/ranunculus, daisy fleabane, salsify (gone to seed).  

First black-eyed Susan/rudbeckia of the season (early!), Canadian anemone, bladder campion.

Clockwise:  foxglove, cinquefoil, golden Alexander, flag iris, spiderwort.

# # # # #

I made 15 daisy mug rugs.  I sewed right sides together and then turned out, rather than adding a binding.  

I hope to finish them this evening.

This is a tend-to-the-details day ...

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June 19, 2023
Weekly update: enjoying the sunshine, a finish, and a start from With Strings Attached


I'm happy to report that my husband was released from the hospital Friday afternoon.  The tests were negative, which is the right outcome.   We are very grateful to our good friends who took time out of their busy day to drive me into Chicago to get him (and bring him back).  He's re-oriented and all is well.

# # # # #

We had two good excursions, to Grant Woods Forest Preserve on Saturday and Chain O' Lakes State Park on Sunday.  (Left photo:  Fox River is on the horizon at Chain O' Lakes.) 

Wildflower medley:  spiderwort, yarrow, sorrel.  Cinquefoil, bird's foot ...

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April 16, 2023
Weekly Word: Ephesians 2:10 + Books, Stitches and Gratitude! from Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer

Hello There,

Happy Easter to you!  The LORD is risen offering new hope and a chance at new life!

Well, it has been a year for us!  Instead of sharing the drama, I share the victories!  My husband and I had a wonderful week at the end of March in San Diego visiting my parents, sister and brother-in-law!  It was amazing!  I picked up these cross stitch kits at the locally owned Needlecraft Cottage in Pacific Beach.

They are on perforated paper, so it will be a learning experience for me.  Your suggestions are welcome!  

And more good news!  After ...

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April 15, 2023
RSC Week 15 - Purple Progress and a Few Finishes from Grandma's Red Needle

 It's Saturday again and time for RSC
I completely missed last Saturday and now we are already halfway through April! How did that happen?! Cooler days (beginning 'cold season') although the last days have been HOT and humid with thunderstorms. 

Slow progress on the purples. First I did was to make the blocks for the Swirling Stars quilt 

The small blocks (not very clever to photograph white on white!)

The big block

Do you remember the bunny fabric
A little purple here too and part of the bunny stripes has become placemats, mug rug and tea cozy. I used ...

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April 7, 2023
Midweek: a daisy dozen and a nice surprise from With Strings Attached

 OMG April #1 is finished!  Here are a dozen daisy mug rugs for our P.E.O. chapter project.  

I made the green and yellow slab backgrounds while I was working on the daisy bouquet  wall hanging earlier this year.  

I made a panel with the left over green slab pieces.  No plans for it yet.

There's still a bin of daisy fabrics in the stash. 

Linking up with  Wednesday Wait Loss and Midweek Makers

The surprise?   I was featured in Jennifer's WWL post today!   Thanks, Jennifer!

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December 29, 2022
Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas from Quilting & Learning

Hi, I would like to take a few minutes from preparing digesting Christmas supper to wish you a Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël and a happy holiday season!

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December 11, 2022
Sun flames, swirls and rail fence blocks from Quilting & Learning

Hello and welcome to Week 410 of Free Motion Mavericks. I'm glad that you stopped by. I free motion quilted (FMQ) some flames and swirls to the sun in the middle of the Version 2.0 quilt.

Flames and Swirls

Last week I finished the Free Motion Mavericks post by showing you the Sun that I stitched with the walking foot in the middle blue section of the quilt. The section is not quite finished but I did add flames extending between the sun's points and then swirls in the middle of the sun.

This first picture isn ...

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September 17, 2022
Blue Wonky Star Mat from Quilting & Learning

I had originally planned to just read today but then I went down the rabbit hole of quilting blogs

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